Alexander Fleming Pattillo - December 8th 1987
(too old to reply)
Marcia and Me
2003-11-12 20:16:49 UTC
Wednesday February 5th 2003 36/329 16789

16 1 20 20 9 12 12 15 = 105

Oh dear. Seven out of a party of 17 skiers died on February 1st 2003 when
they got in the way of an avalanche in B.C., all 7 are the 15 year old kids
of wealthy businessmen in Calgary. Among the dead is Alexander, the feller
has a sister. If Jane is older than Alexander, then she is a nubile sweety,
if younger, she is but a nublette (pre-nubile) sweety. Over the course of
the year I will try to obtain the other birthdays and names for this family
and post a more complete story. Their business is to hire Hindus to torture
me for years for daring to criticize their traditions, and/or to close their
hearts to me when I plead for assistance to get out of the country, my
business is to cry out to God against them and to discover just who the hell
they are. You people keep on doink your job and I'll keep on doink my job.

137+ Jim
Jim 32 Pattillo 105

179+ Susan
Susan 74 Pattillo 105

244+ Christopher
Christopher 139 Pattillo 105

135+ Jane
Jane 30 Pattillo 105

255 Alex 8 12 87 342/23 11251
Alexander 84 Fleming 66 Pattillo 105

204+ Stuart
Stuart 99 Pattillo 105

162+ Duncan
Duncan 57 Pattillo 105

Alex was born a multiple of 57 days into the year (342=6x57). His middle
name adds to 78.57% of his first name, prettier as 78 is the 57th non-prime.
His last two names add together for 171 (57+57+57). His given names average
75, pretty as the 57's are at Genesis 41, Leviticus 14, Judges 9 and John
11, together for 75. Alexander and his sister have first names averaging 57.
The sister's common name adds to 135, it's 57 plus the 57th non-prime (78).
The females in the family have first names adding together for 104
(Leviticus 14 with 57 verses). One of the brothers is named Duncan (57).
Stuart (99) and Duncan (57) have first names averaging 78 (the 57th
non-prime). Pattillo adds to 105, it's the 78th non-prime while 78 in turn
is the 57th non-prime (105 is the 57th non-prime in non-prime position).

389 <-77th prime
104 <-77th non-prime
77 <-77

The Four 57's
Genesis 41 -> 41
Leviticus 14 -> 104
Judges 9 -> 220 <-I dreamt of 220 roofs blown
John 11 -> 1008 off homes in the Dakotas
1373 <- 220th prime

Chapter 57 is Exodus 7 with 25 verses
Book 57 is Philemon with 25 verses
-- --
41st non-prime 16th non-prime
<-together for 57->

Major Books of End-Times Prophecy (Daniel and Revelation are in part about
666 while Isaiah contains 66 chapters):

Daniel - 357 verses

Revelation - 404 verses <-57 plus the 57th prime
plus the 57th non-prime

Isaiah - 1292 verses <-an average of 19.575757...
verses per chapter

Alex was born in 87, his 255 valued name is 87 short of his 342nd day of
birth. His names add to 84, 66 and 105, these are the 61st, 48th and 78th
non-primes, together for 187. The letters missing from his name add to 187.

77 <-the first 8 primes plus 8 more adds
to the 85 verses of Bible Book 8

In Prime
Primes Positions
1 2
2 3 <- 3
3 5 <- 5
4 7
5 11 <- 11
6 13
7 17 <- 17
8 19
9 23
10 29
11 31 <- 31
12 37
13 41 <- 41
14 43
15 47
16 53
17 59 <- 59
18 61
19 67 <- 67 <-the 8th prime in
prime position
R U T H <-Book 8
18 21 20 8 = 67

Alex and his parents have first names adding together for 190 (1 through
19). Alexander and his mom have first names adding together for 163 (the
19+19th prime), Old Testament Book 19 and New Testament Book 19 together
contain 163 chapters (the 19+19th prime). Alexander's full name adds to 255,
it's a combination of the 19+19th prime (163), the 19+19th non-prime (54)
and 19+19 more, chapter 255 is First Samuel 19. His given names add together
for the 150 chapters of Bible Book 19. His last two names add together for
171 (9x19). His given names add to the 61st and 48th non-primes, together
for 109 (Leviticus 19). His square valued letters add to 38 (19+19). The
primes, squares and perfects in his given names add together for 54 (38th
non-prime). He was born 319 days closer to the end of the year than to the
beginning of the year. He was born in the 12th month (Second Kings with 719
verses). He was born on the 8th, Bible Book 8 is Ruth (67, the 19th prime),
it's 85 verses is a combination of the first 8 primes (up to 19) plus 8
more. His given names differ in value by 18, his last two names add together
for 171 (1 through 18 and is Deuteronomy 18), he was born on the 32118th day
of the century. Born on the 8th, in his given names there are 8 odd and 8
even valued letters. In his given names, his unrepresented letters (238)
exceed his represented letters by 125 (Numbers 8). He has 8 unrepeated
letters. The kids have first names exceeding the first names of the parents
by the 303 verses of Hebrews (the 19th Book of the New Testament). He has 14
(8th non-prime) different letters in all. His names have an average value of
the 85 verses of Bible Book 8, he died when I was 16785 days old. Pattillo
is an 8 lettered name that begins with the 8+8th letter of the alphabet. The
kids have first names adding together for 409 (80th prime).

1 57 110
4 58 111
6 60 112
8 62 114
9 63 115
10 64 116
12 65 117
14 66 118
15 68 119
16 69 120
18 70 121
20 72 122
21 74 123
22 75 124
24 76 125
25 77 126
26 78 128
27 80 129
28 81 130
30 82 132
32 84 133
33 85 134
34 86 135
35 87 136
36 88 138
38 90 140
39 91 141
40 92 142
42 93 143
44 94 144
45 95 145
46 96 146
48 98 147
49 99 148
50 100 150 <-115th
51 102 152
52 104 153
54 105 154
55 106 155
56 108 156

Alex Pattillo (105) was born 1055 months and 8 days into the century.
Pattillo adds to 105 (Leviticus 15). Alexander's full name adds to a
multiple of 15 (255=15x17). He has 15 letters in his last two names and 24
letters (the 15th non-prime) in all, Bible Book 24 (the 15th non-prime) is
Jeremiah with 1364 verses (the 15th Lucas). He has 15 consonants, they
exceed his vowels by 153. The represented letters in his given names add to
the 113 verses of Bible Book 54 (the 15th Book of the New Testament). His
given names add together for 150 (the 115th non-prime). Alexander managed to
live for 15.15 years. His sister is Jane (15+15), her common name adds to
135 (9x15).

Primes Non-Primes Fibonacci Lucas
2 1 0 1
3 4 1 3
5 6 1 4
7 8 2 7
11 9 3 11
13 10 5 18
17 12 8 29
19 14 13 47
23 15 21 76
29 16 34 123
31 18 55 199
37 20 89 322
41 21 144 521
43 22 233 843
47 <-15th-> 24 <-15th-> 377 <-15th-> 1364
--- --- --- ----
328 200 986 3568

There are 5 kids in the Pattillo (105) family, Books 33, 60 and 62
(together for 155) each contain the length of 105 verses. Christopher adds
to the 34th prime and exceeds his last name by the 34 chapters of Bible Book
5. Alexander adds to 84 (Exodus 34). The 34th and terminating chapter of
Bible Book 5 is chapter 187 while Alexander was born in 87. Book 5
terminates at chapter 187, it is 5x5x5 plus twice the 5th prime in prime
position (31+31). Alexander's first name adds to 127.2727% of his middle
name, pretty as 127 is the 31st prime while 31 is the 11th prime while 11 is
the 5th prime, while chapter 127 manages to be Numbers 10 (5+5). Alex's name
adds to 255, he died 55 days after his birthday.

In Prime
Primes Positions
1 2
2 3 <- 3
3 5 <- 5
4 7
5 11 <- 11
6 13
7 17 <- 17
8 19
9 23
10 29
11 31 <- 31 <-5th

The 105 value of the last name is 1 through 14 and is also the first 14
primes minus the first 14 non-primes. Alex has 14 different letters. His
primes, squares and perfects add together for 79, it is 14 plus the 14th
prime plus the 14th non-prime (14+14p+14np), and is the 14th prime in
non-prime position. The even valued letters in his given names add to 104
(Leviticus 14).

Alex's middle name begins with the 6th letter of the alphabet and adds to
66, he died on Cheops (6 letters adding to 66) mountain. With the loss of
Alexander, there are 6 family members remaining. Mom's first name adds to 74
(a factor of 666).

Jim (32) loses a son on the 32nd day of the year, and it's the son who
was born on the 32118th day of the century. Jim adds to 2 to the 5th while
Alex's name adds to 255. Maybe your son wasn't drinking enough water. A
psychiatric nurse once told me to drink more water. I complained that the
medications being forced upon me were making my skin hard and dry, my joints
stiff, my jaw lock open, my tongue and lips turn to leather and my hair
become brittle, break and fall out, and the nurse told me that it was my own
fault, saying that I was not drinking enough water. That is what I fingered
happened to Jim's son, God saw that Alex was not drinking enough water and
sent some moisture his way. Yep, Alexander was not drinking enough water,
probababbly. Or not, maybe God saw how beautiful the evergreen trees become
when you folks decorate them in silver and gold and hang balls and lights on
them (little representations of the sun), and He knew that the parents were
intending to plant a tree if they lost a kid, and He thought how wonderful
it would be if that tree grew up and somebody cut it down and brought it
back to their lavish home and decorated it in silver and gold, or some damn
thing like that. I don't know, God knows. Probababbly God saw in advance how
much you people would like to decorate your evergreen trees (fertility
symbols, worshipped for centuries because they remain green throughout the
year) with silver and gold, and so ages ago He appeared as a burning bush
because He wanted to be bright and sparkly like your trees, I'm sure. Yep,
even God likes a tree decked out with silver and gold and so He appeared as
a burning bush, and now when we annually decorate our lavish homes with
billions upon billions of dollars in decorated trees, it is to show respect
to God, who once appeared as a burning bush. And because Jesus had a penis,
therefore we take Egyptian obelisks (representations of penises) and put
them on the roofs of our churches. Maybe God took Alexander's life on Cheops
Mountain to remind us that obelisks are of Egyptian origin, and that this is
a sign that we should stick little obelisks (representations of dinks) on
the tops of our decorated trees. Help me out here Jim, you people have done
everything that God expects from you and your family, so why did He take
your son's life? Remember that He can 100% guarantee to keep you alive for
another 15 years if He wanted (Second Kings 20:6, Isaiah 38:5). Jim, in
Saskatoon they erected a statue of Gandhi with his back turned to the
psychiatric facilities where I was tortured by Hindus, wouldn't it be
pleasing to God if some of you wealthy Canadians covered this statue with
gold as well? Why don't you get a golden calf and put it beside a golden
statue of Gandhi, God would like that, I'm sure. If He likes evergreen trees
decorated in silver and gold, then He would be sure to like golden calves
and golden statues of Gandhi. And as for me, I just love to get a needle
stuck into my arse, and I like avalanches.

Daryl Shawn Kabatoff
Box 7134
Saskatoon Saskatchewan
S7K 4J1

Isaiah 45:4, Ephesians 3:15 - God gives you your name!!!

Obituaries (02/05/03)
PATTILLO _ Alexander Fleming 1987 - 2003 Alexander Fleming Pattillo, born
December 8, 1987 in Vancouver, tragically lost his life on Saturday,
February 1, 2003. Alex is survived by his loving parents, Jim and Susan; his
siblings, Christopher, Jane, Stuart and Duncan; and his grandmothers, Doris
Pattillo and Mary Fleming. He is also survived by his uncle and aunt, Laurie
and Ellie Pattillo; cousins, Katie, Maggie, Ian, Annie, Sarah and Allison;
uncles, Robert Pattillo, Hardy Ganong and Andrew Fleming; and cousin David
Ganong; as well as his best friend "Chester". Alex was predeceased by his
grandfathers, Arthur S. Pattillo and Andrew S. Fleming, and aunt Lynne
Ganong. A Celebration of Alex's life will be held at Christ Church Elbow
Park (3602 - 8 Street S.W.) on Friday, February 7, 2003 at 1:30 p.m. If
friends so desire, memorial tributes may be made to the Children's Hospital
Aid Society (CHAS), P.O. Box 900, Calgary, AB T2T 2M7. In living memory of
Alex Pattillo, a tree will be planted at Fish Creek Provincial Park by
S.W., CALGARY. Telephone: 403-243-8200. 072986 Calgary Herald, Area Code 403
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2003-11-13 14:28:52 UTC
Oh, I see that explains it all then.....
Clever liars give details, but the cleverest don't.
Post by Marcia and Me
Wednesday February 5th 2003 36/329 16789
16 1 20 20 9 12 12 15 = 105
Oh dear. Seven out of a party of 17 skiers died on February 1st 2003 when
they got in the way of an avalanche in B.C., all 7 are the 15 year old kids
of wealthy businessmen in Calgary. Among the dead is Alexander, the feller
has a sister. If Jane is older than Alexander, then she is a nubile sweety,
if younger, she is but a nublette (pre-nubile) sweety. Over the course of
the year I will try to obtain the other birthdays and names for this family
and post a more complete story. Their business is to hire Hindus to torture
me for years for daring to criticize their traditions, and/or to close their
hearts to me when I plead for assistance to get out of the country, my
business is to cry out to God against them and to discover just who the hell
they are. You people keep on doink your job and I'll keep on doink my job.
137+ Jim
Jim 32 Pattillo 105
179+ Susan
Susan 74 Pattillo 105
244+ Christopher
Christopher 139 Pattillo 105
135+ Jane
Jane 30 Pattillo 105
255 Alex 8 12 87 342/23 11251
Alexander 84 Fleming 66 Pattillo 105
204+ Stuart
Stuart 99 Pattillo 105
162+ Duncan
Duncan 57 Pattillo 105
Alex was born a multiple of 57 days into the year (342=6x57). His middle
name adds to 78.57% of his first name, prettier as 78 is the 57th non-prime.
His last two names add together for 171 (57+57+57). His given names average
75, pretty as the 57's are at Genesis 41, Leviticus 14, Judges 9 and John
11, together for 75. Alexander and his sister have first names averaging 57.
The sister's common name adds to 135, it's 57 plus the 57th non-prime (78).
The females in the family have first names adding together for 104
(Leviticus 14 with 57 verses). One of the brothers is named Duncan (57).
Stuart (99) and Duncan (57) have first names averaging 78 (the 57th
non-prime). Pattillo adds to 105, it's the 78th non-prime while 78 in turn
is the 57th non-prime (105 is the 57th non-prime in non-prime position).
389 <-77th prime
104 <-77th non-prime
77 <-77
The Four 57's
Genesis 41 -> 41
Leviticus 14 -> 104
Judges 9 -> 220 <-I dreamt of 220 roofs blown
John 11 -> 1008 off homes in the Dakotas
1373 <- 220th prime
Chapter 57 is Exodus 7 with 25 verses
Book 57 is Philemon with 25 verses
-- --
41st non-prime 16th non-prime
<-together for 57->
Major Books of End-Times Prophecy (Daniel and Revelation are in part about
Daniel - 357 verses
Revelation - 404 verses <-57 plus the 57th prime
plus the 57th non-prime
Isaiah - 1292 verses <-an average of 19.575757...
verses per chapter
Alex was born in 87, his 255 valued name is 87 short of his 342nd day of
birth. His names add to 84, 66 and 105, these are the 61st, 48th and 78th
non-primes, together for 187. The letters missing from his name add to 187.
77 <-the first 8 primes plus 8 more adds
to the 85 verses of Bible Book 8
In Prime
Primes Positions
1 2
2 3 <- 3
3 5 <- 5
4 7
5 11 <- 11
6 13
7 17 <- 17
8 19
9 23
10 29
11 31 <- 31
12 37
13 41 <- 41
14 43
15 47
16 53
17 59 <- 59
18 61
19 67 <- 67 <-the 8th prime in
prime position
R U T H <-Book 8
18 21 20 8 = 67
Alex and his parents have first names adding together for 190 (1 through
19). Alexander and his mom have first names adding together for 163 (the
19+19th prime), Old Testament Book 19 and New Testament Book 19 together
contain 163 chapters (the 19+19th prime). Alexander's full name adds to 255,
it's a combination of the 19+19th prime (163), the 19+19th non-prime (54)
and 19+19 more, chapter 255 is First Samuel 19. His given names add together
for the 150 chapters of Bible Book 19. His last two names add together for
171 (9x19). His given names add to the 61st and 48th non-primes, together
for 109 (Leviticus 19). His square valued letters add to 38 (19+19). The
primes, squares and perfects in his given names add together for 54 (38th
non-prime). He was born 319 days closer to the end of the year than to the
beginning of the year. He was born in the 12th month (Second Kings with 719
verses). He was born on the 8th, Bible Book 8 is Ruth (67, the 19th prime),
it's 85 verses is a combination of the first 8 primes (up to 19) plus 8
more. His given names differ in value by 18, his last two names add together
for 171 (1 through 18 and is Deuteronomy 18), he was born on the 32118th day
of the century. Born on the 8th, in his given names there are 8 odd and 8
even valued letters. In his given names, his unrepresented letters (238)
exceed his represented letters by 125 (Numbers 8). He has 8 unrepeated
letters. The kids have first names exceeding the first names of the parents
by the 303 verses of Hebrews (the 19th Book of the New Testament). He has 14
(8th non-prime) different letters in all. His names have an average value of
the 85 verses of Bible Book 8, he died when I was 16785 days old. Pattillo
is an 8 lettered name that begins with the 8+8th letter of the alphabet. The
kids have first names adding together for 409 (80th prime).
1 57 110
4 58 111
6 60 112
8 62 114
9 63 115
10 64 116
12 65 117
14 66 118
15 68 119
16 69 120
18 70 121
20 72 122
21 74 123
22 75 124
24 76 125
25 77 126
26 78 128
27 80 129
28 81 130
30 82 132
32 84 133
33 85 134
34 86 135
35 87 136
36 88 138
38 90 140
39 91 141
40 92 142
42 93 143
44 94 144
45 95 145
46 96 146
48 98 147
49 99 148
50 100 150 <-115th
51 102 152
52 104 153
54 105 154
55 106 155
56 108 156
Alex Pattillo (105) was born 1055 months and 8 days into the century.
Pattillo adds to 105 (Leviticus 15). Alexander's full name adds to a
multiple of 15 (255=15x17). He has 15 letters in his last two names and 24
letters (the 15th non-prime) in all, Bible Book 24 (the 15th non-prime) is
Jeremiah with 1364 verses (the 15th Lucas). He has 15 consonants, they
exceed his vowels by 153. The represented letters in his given names add to
the 113 verses of Bible Book 54 (the 15th Book of the New Testament). His
given names add together for 150 (the 115th non-prime). Alexander managed to
live for 15.15 years. His sister is Jane (15+15), her common name adds to
135 (9x15).
Primes Non-Primes Fibonacci Lucas
2 1 0 1
3 4 1 3
5 6 1 4
7 8 2 7
11 9 3 11
13 10 5 18
17 12 8 29
19 14 13 47
23 15 21 76
29 16 34 123
31 18 55 199
37 20 89 322
41 21 144 521
43 22 233 843
47 <-15th-> 24 <-15th-> 377 <-15th-> 1364
--- --- --- ----
328 200 986 3568
There are 5 kids in the Pattillo (105) family, Books 33, 60 and 62
(together for 155) each contain the length of 105 verses. Christopher adds
to the 34th prime and exceeds his last name by the 34 chapters of Bible Book
5. Alexander adds to 84 (Exodus 34). The 34th and terminating chapter of
Bible Book 5 is chapter 187 while Alexander was born in 87. Book 5
terminates at chapter 187, it is 5x5x5 plus twice the 5th prime in prime
position (31+31). Alexander's first name adds to 127.2727% of his middle
name, pretty as 127 is the 31st prime while 31 is the 11th prime while 11 is
the 5th prime, while chapter 127 manages to be Numbers 10 (5+5). Alex's name
adds to 255, he died 55 days after his birthday.
In Prime
Primes Positions
1 2
2 3 <- 3
3 5 <- 5
4 7
5 11 <- 11
6 13
7 17 <- 17
8 19
9 23
10 29
11 31 <- 31 <-5th
The 105 value of the last name is 1 through 14 and is also the first 14
primes minus the first 14 non-primes. Alex has 14 different letters. His
primes, squares and perfects add together for 79, it is 14 plus the 14th
prime plus the 14th non-prime (14+14p+14np), and is the 14th prime in
non-prime position. The even valued letters in his given names add to 104
(Leviticus 14).
Alex's middle name begins with the 6th letter of the alphabet and adds to
66, he died on Cheops (6 letters adding to 66) mountain. With the loss of
Alexander, there are 6 family members remaining. Mom's first name adds to 74
(a factor of 666).
Jim (32) loses a son on the 32nd day of the year, and it's the son who
was born on the 32118th day of the century. Jim adds to 2 to the 5th while
Alex's name adds to 255. Maybe your son wasn't drinking enough water. A
psychiatric nurse once told me to drink more water. I complained that the
medications being forced upon me were making my skin hard and dry, my joints
stiff, my jaw lock open, my tongue and lips turn to leather and my hair
become brittle, break and fall out, and the nurse told me that it was my own
fault, saying that I was not drinking enough water. That is what I fingered
happened to Jim's son, God saw that Alex was not drinking enough water and
sent some moisture his way. Yep, Alexander was not drinking enough water,
probababbly. Or not, maybe God saw how beautiful the evergreen trees become
when you folks decorate them in silver and gold and hang balls and lights on
them (little representations of the sun), and He knew that the parents were
intending to plant a tree if they lost a kid, and He thought how wonderful
it would be if that tree grew up and somebody cut it down and brought it
back to their lavish home and decorated it in silver and gold, or some damn
thing like that. I don't know, God knows. Probababbly God saw in advance how
much you people would like to decorate your evergreen trees (fertility
symbols, worshipped for centuries because they remain green throughout the
year) with silver and gold, and so ages ago He appeared as a burning bush
because He wanted to be bright and sparkly like your trees, I'm sure. Yep,
even God likes a tree decked out with silver and gold and so He appeared as
a burning bush, and now when we annually decorate our lavish homes with
billions upon billions of dollars in decorated trees, it is to show respect
to God, who once appeared as a burning bush. And because Jesus had a penis,
therefore we take Egyptian obelisks (representations of penises) and put
them on the roofs of our churches. Maybe God took Alexander's life on Cheops
Mountain to remind us that obelisks are of Egyptian origin, and that this is
a sign that we should stick little obelisks (representations of dinks) on
the tops of our decorated trees. Help me out here Jim, you people have done
everything that God expects from you and your family, so why did He take
your son's life? Remember that He can 100% guarantee to keep you alive for
another 15 years if He wanted (Second Kings 20:6, Isaiah 38:5). Jim, in
Saskatoon they erected a statue of Gandhi with his back turned to the
psychiatric facilities where I was tortured by Hindus, wouldn't it be
pleasing to God if some of you wealthy Canadians covered this statue with
gold as well? Why don't you get a golden calf and put it beside a golden
statue of Gandhi, God would like that, I'm sure. If He likes evergreen trees
decorated in silver and gold, then He would be sure to like golden calves
and golden statues of Gandhi. And as for me, I just love to get a needle
stuck into my arse, and I like avalanches.
Daryl Shawn Kabatoff
Box 7134
Saskatoon Saskatchewan
S7K 4J1
Isaiah 45:4, Ephesians 3:15 - God gives you your name!!!
Obituaries (02/05/03)
PATTILLO _ Alexander Fleming 1987 - 2003 Alexander Fleming Pattillo, born
December 8, 1987 in Vancouver, tragically lost his life on Saturday,
February 1, 2003. Alex is survived by his loving parents, Jim and Susan; his
siblings, Christopher, Jane, Stuart and Duncan; and his grandmothers, Doris
Pattillo and Mary Fleming. He is also survived by his uncle and aunt, Laurie
and Ellie Pattillo; cousins, Katie, Maggie, Ian, Annie, Sarah and Allison;
uncles, Robert Pattillo, Hardy Ganong and Andrew Fleming; and cousin David
Ganong; as well as his best friend "Chester". Alex was predeceased by his
grandfathers, Arthur S. Pattillo and Andrew S. Fleming, and aunt Lynne
Ganong. A Celebration of Alex's life will be held at Christ Church Elbow
Park (3602 - 8 Street S.W.) on Friday, February 7, 2003 at 1:30 p.m. If
friends so desire, memorial tributes may be made to the Children's Hospital
Aid Society (CHAS), P.O. Box 900, Calgary, AB T2T 2M7. In living memory of
Alex Pattillo, a tree will be planted at Fish Creek Provincial Park by
S.W., CALGARY. Telephone: 403-243-8200. 072986 Calgary Herald, Area Code 403
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2003-11-13 23:19:37 UTC
Post by Marcia and Me
Wednesday February 5th 2003 36/329 16789
16 1 20 20 9 12 12 15 = 105
Oh dear. Seven out of a party of 17 skiers died on February 1st 2003 when
they got in the way of an avalanche in B.C., all 7 are the 15 year old kids
of wealthy businessmen in Calgary. Among the dead is Alexander, the feller
has a sister. If Jane is older than Alexander, then she is a nubile sweety,
if younger, she is but a nublette (pre-nubile) sweety. Over the course of
the year I will try to obtain the other birthdays and names for this family
<<<snipped a lot of psycho crap from Shawn "pedophile-boy" Kabatoff>>>

The following (courtesy of Waxy.org) is sort of an unofficial "FAQ"
explaining the psychotic nonsense posted to Usenet by Shawn Daryl
Kabatoff AKA "Dar", AKA "Probababbilities". And now AKA "marcia and

WARNING: Read below before even thinking about responding to this


Usenet has the tendency to provide a public forum for those who would
normally be scribbling in a closet. For example, take Daryl "Shawn"
Kabatoff. For the last few years, he's methodically gathered
"statistics" from various sources, ranging from local newspaper
obituary pages to the food court of the Saskatoon Midtown Plaza mall.
With all the raw data he's collected, he's attempting to prove daily
that our full names are in "mathematical harmony" with our birthdays.
His rants normally focus on a single individual he's met or read
about, starting with calculations related to their birthdate and full
names, blending in whatever other personal information about their
family members, spouses, birthplace, and career he's been able to
glean. From there, it descends into a mix of numerology, religious
zealotry, and personal torment. I've never seen anything like it.
With all the prime numbers, Fibonacci sequences and biblical
references, it's like reading the notebooks of Maximillian Cohen and
John Nash combined. Unsurprisingly, several posts unfold to reveal a
history of painful mental illness. If you have some time, take a look.
I've detailed his posting history and a several sample posts below.

Usenet Posting History:

January 27, 1999 to July 5, 2000 as ***@home.com

December 9, 2000 to May 4, 2001 as ***@sk.sympatico.ca

Oct 30, 2001 to Oct 31, 2001 as ***@the.link.ca

January 20, 2002 to April 17, 2002 as ***@hotmail.com (original
posts have been

removed from Google Groups archive)

April 26, 2002 to Present as ***@hotmail.com

Selected Posts:
Tessa Lynne Smith
Dastageer Sakhizai and Helen Smith
Brett David Maki
Andrew Meredith Cotton
Kathryn Lee Hipperson
Amanda Dawn Newton
Mona Marie Etcheverry
Tony Peter Nuspl
Lisa Charlene McMillan
Grant Allyn Wood

scarier still is that saskatoon is my hometown, though not my current
residence. and every single place he's mentioned in his posts (most
notably nervous harold's and the roastary) were either places i've
been (as it's a small city of 200K) or hangouts, ie. the two places
mentioned. chances are i could email some friends back home and find
out if they know of him, they (my friends that is) being of the
broadway-centred slacker ilk. myself, too, until i got out of there.
eh, anyways. thought it odd to see all this. midtown mall. i ate my
meals there, whilst waiting several days in line for star wars episode
one, at the theatre across the street.
posted by andy raad on May 22, 2002 06:20 PM

Fascinating. It's like he's trying to take chaos and bind it into
whatever rules he can find, religious, logical and otherwise. Numbers
and math have a reliable pattern, something that can always be proven
to true or false. People and religion do not. It reminds me of Darren
Aronofsky's movie Pi. It's the story of an paraniod genius who is
trying to find a pattern in Pi. A group that takes interest in his
work is convinced that the existence of Pi, a number whose existence
can be proven but no quantified, is proof of the existence of God.
Kabatoff's hunt for patterns in something as random as name selection
is a way to reconcile his deeply logical thought process with his
conflicting religious views.
posted by matt on May 23, 2002 11:19 AM

Exactly. I probably shouldn't have, but I e-mailed Daryl yesterday,
asking him if he'd be willing to create a numerological analysis for
me. I also asked him if he had seen either Pi or A Beautiful Mind, and
what he thought of them. If he replies, I'll be sure to post it.
posted by Andy Baio on May 23, 2002 11:24 AM

I baked many pumpkin pies for Shawn (he likes pumpkin pies). I rubbed
pumpkin pie all over my breasts for him, and my breasts turned orange.
I am a pumpkin for Shawn.
posted by Trisha Blondie on July 24, 2002 10:41 PM

Um, that's swell. So, you're in love with him?
posted by Andy Baio on July 25, 2002 07:10 AM

Shawn once went to a funeral for a Jehovah Witness that shot himself
and the lemon tarts were very bad, they were not only sour but were
rubbery as well. Shawn said that the guy was some kind of Jehovah
Witness prophet, he saw in advance that the lemon tarts at his funeral
were to be very very bad, and so he shot himself. Shawn said that he
never ate pumpkin pie at a funeral but would like to some day. Shawn
likes pumpkin pie and so I have been practicing to make very good
pumpkin pies.
posted by Trisha Blondie on July 25, 2002 02:49 PM

Shawn said that the lemon tarts were sour, bitter and rubbery.
posted by Trisha Blondie on July 30, 2002 12:32 AM

I don't think this guy takes notes. I think he has Total Recall, and
it has driven him insane...
posted by Todd Smith on December 26, 2002 11:00 AM

Oh... I almost forgot... I didnt spend thousands of dollars a day
tormenting Daryl... We got a deal on tormenting that fiscal year, it
only came to about 37cents a day....
posted by Dr Claw on December 30, 2002 01:56 AM

Mr. Kabatoff attempts to portray himself as a victim, but in fact he
is a violent predatory pedophile who is well known to his local law
enforcement. In his post to multiple newsgroups with the subject
"Collecting Mail For The Coming Anti-Christ", he encourages mothers to
send him photos of their naked daughters. Mr Kabatoff explains, "I
personally did not want photographs being mailed to (the coming
Ant-Christ) that were of underage children unless the parent was
signing consent." He is banned from virtually all the shopping malls
in his community because he stalks young people and sexually harasses
them. He has an extensive arrest record which includes sexual
molestation charges. He's been hospitalized in mental institutions
several times because he likes to accost "nubile cuties." He writes
about his contact with young girls in many posts. Search newsgroup
archives for posts by him containing the word "nubile". As part of his
harrassment, he provides personal details in a public forum, such as
the real names of real children, in these and other posts. About one
girl he met at a mall, he writes, "I wanted Callie in my bed or I
wanted her and her sister dead."
He not only curses children and prays for their death in his posts, he
also enjoys attending the funerals of young people: "And so, since
nubile sweeties are found in greatest abundance at the funerals of
high school students, then it is the funerals of high school students
that make the very very best funerals, especially if there is food...
I stuff my face (and my pockets) with all the good food and look at
all the pretty nubile sweeties and have the time of my life..
Many of his posts are sent to alt.teens.advice. However, he liberally
spams, floods and crossposts his off-topic threatening and offensive
missives to countless newsgroups. Some people HAVE problems and some
folks ARE problems. Don't dismiss Mr. Kabatoff as a harmless nut. When
he sends these posts to any newgroup, please help by reporting him to
his ISP. Thanks.
posted by nospam on January 5, 2003 04:39 AM

I knew of him when I was attending the University of Saskatchewan.
He'd hang out in the Arts computer lab and all you'd see is screens of
numbers racing by on his laptop. I have an original copy of his
"Collecting Mail for the Coming Anti-Christ" pamphlet, and have seen
him be hauled away by campus security on more than one occasion. My
friends and I refer to him as "Crazy Number Man".
posted by Mr. Somebody on April 10, 2003 11:09 AM

I've been posting to (and about) Shawn for over two years with big
gaps in between. He has seen Pi and didn't like it and didn't think it
resembled him at all. (Wrong, it fits him to a tee) He doesn't have
total recall and has stated that he travels with a lap top to notate
items. Also, he uses "cut n' paste" a lot if you read all the way
through his ramblings. He is anti-social as shown by his angry
statements towards those who, by his own admission, have been kind
(but not kind enough) to him. Still, he's intelligent and seems to be
able to "take a joke" on occassion. That's where I came in.
posted by Gambol on May 19, 2003 02:22


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