Aleni Prokopius speaks out on vaccines and a cure for autism
(too old to reply)
2009-09-02 07:38:33 UTC

(NaturalNews) In a new online interview just posted, Aleni Prokopius from
"Green Diva Mom" (www.GreenDivaMom.com) shares her story of vaccines causing
autism in her son. As a healthy new mom, Aleni thought the health of her
newborn son would be well protected, but after subjecting her son to a round
of vaccines, the health of her son deteriorated to the point where he was
eventually diagnosed as autistic.

Spending thousands of dollars on lab tests, Aleni Prokopius discovered that
her newborn son was contaminated with trace amounts of heavy metals
including mercury, which is used in the vaccine preservative Thimerosal.

In this interview with Aleni Prokopius, you'll learn how vaccine injections
can expose some children to one hundred times the methyl mercury of other
children, depending on how the medical practitioner prepares and administers
the vaccines.

Aleni also explains how she worked to try to reverse autism and restore
normal neurological function to her son through chelation and dietary
changes. There's a protocol for natural health restoration that's widely
circulated in the community of parents who deal with autistic children. What
worked for Aleni was a combination of detoxification and health restoration
based on an organic, natural lifestyle.

At age four, Aleni's son had a total vocabulary of only twenty words and was
considerably impaired, but after the detox and dietary changes explained by
Aleni, he experienced a full recovery -- a "cure" for autism. Today, many
years later, Aleni's son is six years old. He excels in school and martial
arts and is no longer identified as being "autistic." By any honest
assessment, he has fully recovered from autism.

Aleni is a long-time NaturalNews reader and used the information she learned
on NaturalNews.com to help cure her son of autism. She used many of the
products reviewed and recommended on NaturalNews (such as Jon Barron's detox
products from BaselineNutritionals.com) and educated herself about natural
health using the power of the internet.

"Had I not intervened, my child would have been institutionalized," Aleni
explained. Her natural health intervention saved her child from a life of
autism and medical victimization.

NaturalNews applauds Aleni Prokopius for daring to save her child's health
from a lifetime of vaccines and toxic chemicals pushed by Big Pharma. The
depth of courage displayed by Aleni is a model for all empowered parents who
seek to save their children from the harm caused by vaccines.

You can download or listen to the full interview with Aleni at the
NaturalNews podcast page: http://www.naturalnews.com/Index-Po...

If you have an autistic child (or know anyone who does), you absolutely need
to listen to this interview. It's free to download (MP3) and can be loaded
onto any iPod or MP3 player for listening. (No DRM.)

Also be sure to visit Aleni's increasingly popular website Green Diva Mom at
www.GreenDivaMom.com where moms are joining the effort to protect healthy
kids from the dangers of vaccines.

Aleni has developed a 10 step protocol for dealing with autistic children.
You can learn more about that protocol in the audio interview.

The audio is also downloadable through the NaturalNews page on Mininova.org,
a peer-to-peer torrent file sharing site that features NaturalNews premium
content: http://www.mininova.org/user/natura...

(You will need a torrent downloader like uTorrent to grab the file through
Mininova.org. Note: NaturalNews does not endorse or condone the banner ads
that appear on the Mininova.org website.)
2009-09-01 11:20:46 UTC
References: <ILmdnaSD-***@bt.com>
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NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 01 Sep 2009 07:20:46 EDT
Bytes: 1974
Xref: number.nntp.dca.giganews.com sci.medicine:727 misc.kids.pregnancy:851148 misc.kids.health:190380 misc.kids.breastfeeding:338094 misc.health.alternative:670567
Post by john
(NaturalNews) In a new online interview just posted, Aleni Prokopius from
"Green Diva Mom" (www.GreenDivaMom.com) shares her story of vaccines causing
autism in her son. As a healthy new mom, Aleni thought the health of her
newborn son would be well protected, but after subjecting her son to a round
of vaccines, the health of her son deteriorated to the point where he was
eventually diagnosed as autistic.
Spending thousands of dollars on lab tests, Aleni Prokopius discovered that
her newborn son was contaminated with trace amounts of heavy metals
including mercury, which is used in the vaccine preservative Thimerosal.
Yet thimerosal is not in any childhood vaccines.

Evidence that vaccines did not cause her kid's autism.

Bob Officer
2009-09-01 11:40:47 UTC
On Tue, 01 Sep 2009 11:20:46 GMT, in misc.health.alternative, Jeff
Post by Jeff
Post by john
(NaturalNews) In a new online interview just posted, Aleni Prokopius from
"Green Diva Mom" (www.GreenDivaMom.com) shares her story of vaccines causing
autism in her son. As a healthy new mom, Aleni thought the health of her
newborn son would be well protected, but after subjecting her son to a round
of vaccines, the health of her son deteriorated to the point where he was
eventually diagnosed as autistic.
Spending thousands of dollars on lab tests, Aleni Prokopius discovered that
her newborn son was contaminated with trace amounts of heavy metals
including mercury, which is used in the vaccine preservative Thimerosal.
Yet thimerosal is not in any childhood vaccines.
Evidence that vaccines did not cause her kid's autism.

Correlation is not cause.

The child breathed breathing, causes autism
The child had hair, hair causes autism
The child had ten toes, toes causes autism
The child had _____ colored eyes and _____ colored hair and that
causes autism. (fill in the blanks your choice of color)
The child was born between the hours of ___ and ___ and that causes
autism. (fill in the blanks with your choice of times.
The child's mother used an ink pen, ink pens cause autism.
The child's mother ate, Beef, pork, Fish, Chicken, fruit or green
leafy vegitables or grains, and eating Beef, pork, Fish, Chicken,
fruit or green leafy vegitables or grains causes autism.

Spending 1,000 of dollars on tests or taking lots of different tests
is not proof of the accuracy of the test or is evidence of the
causation she needs to blame vaccines.

as you point out thimerosal is not found in childhood vaccines.

Could it be, just
Maybe the lack of thimerosal is the cause of autism?
Bob Officer
Posting the truth
2009-09-02 13:32:05 UTC
Post by Jeff
Post by john
(NaturalNews) In a new online interview just posted, Aleni Prokopius from
"Green Diva Mom" (www.GreenDivaMom.com) shares her story of vaccines
causing autism in her son. As a healthy new mom, Aleni thought the health
of her newborn son would be well protected, but after subjecting her son
to a round of vaccines, the health of her son deteriorated to the point
where he was eventually diagnosed as autistic.
Spending thousands of dollars on lab tests, Aleni Prokopius discovered
that her newborn son was contaminated with trace amounts of heavy metals
including mercury, which is used in the vaccine preservative Thimerosal.
Yet thimerosal is not in any childhood vaccines.
Evidence that vaccines did not cause her kid's autism.
do stop lying http://www.vaccinesafety.edu/thi-table.htm
2009-09-01 13:44:32 UTC
References: <ILmdnaSD-***@bt.com> <is7nm.592$***@nwrddc01.gnilink.net> <***@bt.com>
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Date: Tue, 01 Sep 2009 13:44:32 GMT
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X-Trace: nwrddc01.gnilink.net 1251812672 (Tue, 01 Sep 2009 09:44:32 EDT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 01 Sep 2009 09:44:32 EDT
Bytes: 2867
X-Original-Bytes: 2824
Xref: number.nntp.dca.giganews.com sci.medicine:730 misc.kids.pregnancy:851151 misc.kids.health:190384 misc.kids.breastfeeding:338097 misc.health.alternative:670575
Post by john
Post by Jeff
Post by john
(NaturalNews) In a new online interview just posted, Aleni Prokopius from
"Green Diva Mom" (www.GreenDivaMom.com) shares her story of vaccines
causing autism in her son. As a healthy new mom, Aleni thought the health
of her newborn son would be well protected, but after subjecting her son
to a round of vaccines, the health of her son deteriorated to the point
where he was eventually diagnosed as autistic.
Spending thousands of dollars on lab tests, Aleni Prokopius discovered
that her newborn son was contaminated with trace amounts of heavy metals
including mercury, which is used in the vaccine preservative Thimerosal.
Yet thimerosal is not in any childhood vaccines.
Evidence that vaccines did not cause her kid's autism.
do stop lying http://www.vaccinesafety.edu/thi-table.htm
The only vaccines thimerosal is in are the influenza vaccine and
menigiococal vaccine. The latter is only given after the second
birthday. And even then, thimerosal is not in all the formulations.

So, no, thimerosal is not a concern, because of the low doses in which
it is given and, considering that *after* thimerasol was removed from
vaccines, the rate of autism diagnoses didn't go down, there is
absolutely no reason to believe that thimerasol causes autism.

2009-09-02 16:41:25 UTC
Post by Jeff
The only vaccines thimerosal is in are the influenza vaccine and
menigiococal vaccine. The latter is only given after the second birthday.
And even then, thimerosal is not in all the formulations.
not exactly what you said, is it
Post by Jeff
So, no, thimerosal is not a concern, because of the low doses in which it
is given and, considering that *after* thimerasol was removed from
vaccines, the rate of autism diagnoses didn't go down, there is absolutely
no reason to believe that thimerasol causes autism.
Yeah, you would say it, but it's bollocks
2009-09-01 18:06:22 UTC
References: <ILmdnaSD-***@bt.com> <is7nm.592$***@nwrddc01.gnilink.net> <***@bt.com> <4z9nm.616$***@nwrddc01.gnilink.net> <***@bt.com>
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Message-ID: <yodnm.665$***@nwrddc01.gnilink.net>
Date: Tue, 01 Sep 2009 18:06:22 GMT
X-Complaints-To: ***@verizon.net
X-Trace: nwrddc01.gnilink.net 1251828382 (Tue, 01 Sep 2009 14:06:22 EDT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 01 Sep 2009 14:06:22 EDT
Bytes: 2306
X-Original-Bytes: 2263
Xref: number.nntp.dca.giganews.com sci.medicine:732 misc.kids.pregnancy:851155 misc.kids.health:190405 misc.kids.breastfeeding:338099 misc.health.alternative:670675
Post by john
Post by Jeff
The only vaccines thimerosal is in are the influenza vaccine and
menigiococal vaccine. The latter is only given after the second birthday.
And even then, thimerosal is not in all the formulations.
not exactly what you said, is it
Post by Jeff
So, no, thimerosal is not a concern, because of the low doses in which it
is given and, considering that *after* thimerasol was removed from
vaccines, the rate of autism diagnoses didn't go down, there is absolutely
no reason to believe that thimerasol causes autism.
Yeah, you would say it, but it's bollocks
The whale-to site is not, IMHO, a good site for information.

Much better sites include:

