Swine Flu And Sealing The US Border
(too old to reply)
Tim Bruening
2009-04-29 06:41:13 UTC
Patient Zero (A boy) has been found, already recovered. Those victims
who have recovered should have swine flu antibodies in their blood.
Blood samples should be taken from them and the antibodies extracted and
Ryan P
2009-05-01 15:02:01 UTC
Post by Tim Bruening
Patient Zero (A boy) has been found, already recovered. Those victims
who have recovered should have swine flu antibodies in their blood.
Blood samples should be taken from them and the antibodies extracted and
36,000 people die in the US of the "regular" flu, and hundreds of
thousands throughout the world, EVERY year. Do we have "level 5"
pandemic warnings every year?
Sir F. A. Rien
2009-05-02 15:32:02 UTC
Post by Ryan P
Post by Tim Bruening
Patient Zero (A boy) has been found, already recovered. Those victims
who have recovered should have swine flu antibodies in their blood.
Blood samples should be taken from them and the antibodies extracted and
36,000 people die in the US of the "regular" flu, and hundreds of
thousands throughout the world, EVERY year. Do we have "level 5"
pandemic warnings every year?
Only when the gummint has something else that they're hiding!
