Appendicitis, Flu, or?
(too old to reply)
2009-01-18 18:15:05 UTC
Since I woke up Friday morning, I have had a lot of abdominal pain, in the
lower right side. It is always made worse by changing position--standing up,
sitting down, getting in and out of bed. Very slow and difficult, to change
position. The pain is not only in the abdomen, but also in the back, the
pain between the two feels connected, and rather achy all over as well. But
the worst area is the abdomen, lower right side.

It actually does not feel like the normal "stomach ache". It does not feel
like something digestive, but rather something more muscular in nature.

I also felt weak and dizzy. In the evening I had chills. I took my
temperature, and realized I had a fever, about 100.5.

Saturday evening, I still had a fever, also about 100.5, 100.6, 100.7,
100.8, and once as high as 101.4. The other symptoms are about the same.

Of course, if I am not better by Tuesday (Monday being a holiday, with most
doctors not working), I'll go see a doctor. I am not eager to go before then
to an emergency room, although if the fever went much higher, or the pain
became unbearable, I guess I would have to go.

I would like to hear opinions by doctors here (if any are reading this
weekend), regarding what this could be. Of course you cannot diagnose a
patient without seeing him, but perhaps you could give your opinion of the
possibilities, based on the described symptoms.

In looking up "lower right abdominal pain", and "fever" in Google, I came up
with many hits about appendicitis, which usually involves both those
symptoms. However, it seems that appendicitis usually involves digestive
disorder as well--nausea, vomiting, constipation, etc. I have not felt any
such digestive symptoms at all. Eating does not make the symptoms get worse
or better, I have no problems using the bathroom, no gas problem, etc.

Could this be appendicitis, without there being any feeling of digestive
disorder? If not, what could it be?

If it was just the general achiness, weakness, chills and fever, of course
the first thing I would suspect would be flu. (I did have a flu shot, by the
way, near the beginning of December.) But the specificity of the pain in the
lower right abdomen makes me wonder if it could be something else.

Any ideas? I would appreciate any input from medical professionals, or other
knowledgeable individuals. Thank you.
Robert A. Fink, M. D.
2009-01-18 22:43:21 UTC
Post by MS
Since I woke up Friday morning, I have had a lot of abdominal pain, in the
lower right side. It is always made worse by changing position--standing up,
sitting down, getting in and out of bed. Very slow and difficult, to change
position. The pain is not only in the abdomen, but also in the back, the
pain between the two feels connected, and rather achy all over as well. But
the worst area is the abdomen, lower right side.
It actually does not feel like the normal "stomach ache". It does not feel
like something digestive, but rather something more muscular in nature.
I also felt weak and dizzy. In the evening I had chills. I took my
temperature, and realized I had a fever, about 100.5.
Saturday evening, I still had a fever, also about 100.5, 100.6, 100.7,
100.8, and once as high as 101.4. The other symptoms are about the same.
Of course, if I am not better by Tuesday (Monday being a holiday, with most
doctors not working), I'll go see a doctor. I am not eager to go before then
to an emergency room, although if the fever went much higher, or the pain
became unbearable, I guess I would have to go.
I would like to hear opinions by doctors here (if any are reading this
weekend), regarding what this could be. Of course you cannot diagnose a
patient without seeing him, but perhaps you could give your opinion of the
possibilities, based on the described symptoms.
In looking up "lower right abdominal pain", and "fever" in Google, I came up
with many hits about appendicitis, which usually involves both those
symptoms. However, it seems that appendicitis usually involves digestive
disorder as well--nausea, vomiting, constipation, etc. I have not felt any
such digestive symptoms at all. Eating does not make the symptoms get worse
or better, I have no problems using the bathroom, no gas problem, etc.
Could this be appendicitis, without there being any feeling of digestive
disorder? If not, what could it be?
If it was just the general achiness, weakness, chills and fever, of course
the first thing I would suspect would be flu. (I did have a flu shot, by the
way, near the beginning of December.) But the specificity of the pain in the
lower right abdomen makes me wonder if it could be something else.
Any ideas? I would appreciate any input from medical professionals, or other
knowledgeable individuals. Thank you.
Sadly, with all of the medical description above, you omitted a
significant piece of information. Are you male or female? If you are
female, a condition in your ovary or tubes could cause symptoms
similar to what you are experiencing in addition to such things as
appendicitis, intestinal infections, even ulcers.

The bottom line is that you have a potentially life-threatening
condition and I would strongly advise that you not wait until Tuesday
to see a doctor. I would go to the ER *today* and get checked out.
You may not have anything serious, but there are significant odds that
you may have something which, untreated, can cause you a great deal of

Please let us know how this turns out.



Robert A. Fink, M. D.
Neurological Surgery
2500 Milvia Street Suite 222
Berkeley, CA 94704-2636 USA

NOTE: The material above is not "medical
advice". Medical advice can only be
given after an in-person contact between
doctor and patient.
2009-01-19 00:08:40 UTC
Thanks for the reply.

Sorry that I didn't mention my gender. I am a man, 56 years old.

I guess why I'm having doubts about whether it could be appendicitis, an
intestinal infection, ulcer, etc., is that as I mentioned, I really don't
feel any digestive symptoms, despite the abdominal pain. Perhaps it's the
flu, which doctors really cannot do anything about.

And, I actually feel much improved today, over the last two days. The pain
is still there, but less so. And the highest temperature reading I've had so
far today has been 98.8, not bad at all. So I'm hopeful, that I'm getting
over it. Not too likely to go to ER, unless I get much worse.

Very likely though, to see a doctor on Tuesday, unless I am 100% (or almost
that) better.

Thanks for your input.
Post by Robert A. Fink, M. D.
Sadly, with all of the medical description above, you omitted a
significant piece of information. Are you male or female? If you are
female, a condition in your ovary or tubes could cause symptoms
similar to what you are experiencing in addition to such things as
appendicitis, intestinal infections, even ulcers.
The bottom line is that you have a potentially life-threatening
condition and I would strongly advise that you not wait until Tuesday
to see a doctor. I would go to the ER *today* and get checked out.
You may not have anything serious, but there are significant odds that
you may have something which, untreated, can cause you a great deal of
Please let us know how this turns out.
Robert A. Fink, M. D.
Neurological Surgery
2500 Milvia Street Suite 222
Berkeley, CA 94704-2636 USA
NOTE: The material above is not "medical
advice". Medical advice can only be
given after an in-person contact between
doctor and patient.