(too old to reply)
2009-11-17 22:15:04 UTC

By Jon Rappoport

NOVEMBER 14, 2009. I was, of course, wondering whether some explanation
other than a virus could account for the million cases of illness recently
reported in the Ukraine.

First of all, a million new cases in a month? Germs don’t travel that fast.
Is that million-figure even correct? Who knows? But I ploughed on anyway.

The first thing that caught my attention was an undated article by a Prof.
Yu. I. Kundiev, titled “State of Affairs in Ukraine and Other CIS
Countries.” The article may be a chapter in a book.

“A major problem today is the storage of large quantities of pesticides
which are outdated or prohibited for further use. According to a special
survey of the Ukrainian Environmental Ministry such stocks amount to 22
million tons, most of which are persistent chlororganic pesticides.

“The storage conditions are different, and mostly inadequate. Together with
the long storage time, low quality of containers and packaging, this led to
the formation of different compositions of substances, and even possibly of
new compounds with unknown properties. Further storage of such quantities of
toxic substances in unfit storehouses surely poses a permanent threat to the
environment and human health fraught with an environmental catastrophe.

“Besides, in the present situation there is real possibility of illegal use
of prohibited pesticides. There already are reports of such cases. But it is
practically impossible to determine the scope of such unauthorized use or
where and how the pesticides are applied.

“It is imperative that all the CIS countries should work out and implement
organizational, technical and technological measures and conditions to
neutralize and dispose of outdated and prohibited pesticides.”

Next, I came across a journal paper by Tamara Gurzhiy: “Expired and
prohibited pesticides problem in Ukraine.” Independent Agency for Ecological
Information, Kharkiv, Ukraine. Whoever did the English translation did it
roughly in spots.

“Twenty thousand to 25,000 t of expired or prohibited pesticides are stored
on 4,000 Ukrainian depots. This is a serious threat for people and
environment. Arsenic compounds are highly toxic for cattle. Death comes
within several hours…Majority of pesticide depots were not designed for
long-term usage. Chemicals are stolen and illegally sold to people. Depots’
roofs collapsed over the time, pesticides’ wrapping gets of order,
pesticides of different nature may become catalyst of spontaneous chemical
reactions with unpredictable results. Spontaneous fire may spread toxins on
a wide area. Utilization of expired and prohibited pesticides is Ukrainian
national problem.”

Then I found an article about a pesticide fire. It is dated Oct. 17.

Storehouse with pesticide in Dzhankoi on fire

October 17 at 12:37

Simferopol, October 17 (Interfax-Ukraine) - A storehouse with pesticide in
Dzhankoi (Crimea) is on fire.

The associate head of the chief department of the Ukrainian Emergency
Ministry in Crimea, Volodymyr Ivanov, told Interfax- Ukraine that a
storehouse fire started early on Saturday.

"At present fire is being extinguished, and 16 fire-fighting vehicles are
used," he said.

Fire fighters use foam to extinguish fire.

The chairman of the Crimean Republican Committee for environment protection,
Yevhen Bubnov, told the agency that old pesticide were stores at the
storehouse, in particular, magnesium chloride, which is used to treat
sunflower and cotton.

He said that magnesium chloride is inert material, although it is highly
explosive in combination with oxygen.

Bubnov said that work on transportation of dangerous substances to Poland to
utilize them was done at the storehouse, where around 200 tonnes of
pesticide and magnesium chloride was stored. A Kyiv firm was doing the work,
and around 40 tonnes of pesticide was taken from the storehouse.

He said that on Friday night ignition occurred, which was stopped by a fire
engine. However, today in the morning ignition occurred again and barrels,
where pesticide was transshipped, started exploding.

Bubnov said no victims were registered. (end clip)

This story carries all sorts of potential implications. Clouds of toxic
pesticides drifting out through the sky? Cover-up of the effects? 200 tons
of pesticides in the storehouse?

Then, I found an Oct. 2 piece in Mileukontakl International: “Ukrainian
Obsolete Pesticides: A Timebomb for Ukraine and Moldova.”

BRNO, Czech Republic, Sept. 23 /CNW/ – According to Milieukontakts Partner
IHPA (the International HCH and Pesticides Association) the health of at
least 7 million inhabitants in Moldavia and Ukraine is seriously threatened
by a stock of old pesticides. IHPA calls for fast EU action to disarm this
‘biggest chemical time bomb of Europe’. This was incited at the closure of
the 10th HCH & Pesticides Forum of the IHPA in the Czech Republic.

During the congress it became known that in the former Kalush factory in the
west of Ukraine there is a stock of no less than 10,000 tonnes of
superfluous Hexachlorobenzene (HCB). It’s particularly the positioning along
the Dniester river that makes the situation extremely hazardous: a single
flood and the high concentrations of poison would pollute the natural
habitat of some 7 million people in the west of Ukraine and Moldavia.

In total, tens of millions of inhabitants in Europe, Central Asia and the
former Soviet Union are being threatened by pesticides. In Ukraine alone
there are 4,500 storage locations with more than 30,000 tonnes of old
pesticides, a legacy from the Soviet era. The substances have been
prohibited since 2001. As a rule the packaging only lasts five to ten years.
If nothing happens in that time, then the substances could simply end up in
the soil or in the water…(end clip)

Who knows what the effect of that pesticide fire is? I have no way of
linking the reports of mass illness in the Ukraine to tons of stored
pesticides. But this bears further investigation. What we are told is a
virus is not sufficient to engender our faith.

JON RAPPOPORT www.insolutions.info
Peter B
2009-11-18 01:35:48 UTC
Post by john
By Jon Rappoport
NOVEMBER 14, 2009. I was, of course, wondering whether some
explanation other than a virus could account for the million cases of
illness recently reported in the Ukraine.
After further investigation it appears that persicides caught up in a
warehouse fire
Is the primary cause of the deaths in the surrounding area's. Vaccines
were not the.
cause, they were just a ploy to get your attention.
Readers Digest version, eh?
