Boycott ALL Mexican restaurants
(too old to reply)
2006-04-27 15:04:04 UTC
Please send a message Mexicans will hear---don't spend your hard earned
money at any Mexican restaurants!!!
We need another way to say "NO" to illegals coming here.
White people should not eat that greasy crap under any circumstances.

2006-05-08 01:08:02 UTC
Post by arminius
Please send a message Mexicans will hear---don't spend your hard earned
money at any Mexican restaurants!!!
We need another way to say "NO" to illegals coming here.
White people should not eat that greasy crap under any circumstances.
OR any restaurants dude!!! Who do you think washes your dishes gringo?
Too bad I don't know the restaurants you frequent because I would apply
as a waiter and put a booger in your food. Heh! Heh!
arizona john
2006-05-08 05:31:28 UTC
Post by Oscar
OR any restaurants dude!!! Who do you think washes your dishes gringo?
Too bad I don't know the restaurants you frequent because I would apply
as a waiter and put a booger in your food. Heh! Heh!
You would do it anyway because Mexicans have no self esteem.
But....being a waiter requires cleanliness and hard work, so you
probably will never be a waiter.
