the woman
(too old to reply)
2008-12-07 16:17:01 UTC
k is a very common abbreviation for thousand (dousan) as in kilo

you will often see it in job and real estate ads

i am tired of it too, but no reason you shouldn't know what's going on.

i'm supposedly the executor of this aunt's wil but tato has already deemed
that i will not outlive her

such confidence

one of my football loving sisters will probably be selected in my absence
my aunt told me to start a blog
ok maybe I am being too sensitive.
Did she just tell me to start a blog because she doesn't want to read my
or did she tell me to start a blog so that I have greater readership and
she thinks my crap is great?
If the latter, don't you think the directive would have been preceded by a
compliment followed by the suggestion?
If the former, and she is bothered by our monday morning quarterbacking of
her pointless forwards, do you think this will stop the spam?
Nah, no critical self analysis. Doesn't see how it applies to her.
"People of the world unite
Strength in numbers we can get it right
One time
We are a part of the rhythm nation"--janet jackson
2008-12-07 16:23:34 UTC
actually for the record both my sisters get some $ and some stocks

or at least that's what the will says.

but don't count on the distribution, I keep telling them that the health
industry will take it all once she becomes institutionalized
Post by marika
k is a very common abbreviation for thousand (dousan) as in kilo
you will often see it in job and real estate ads
i am tired of it too, but no reason you shouldn't know what's going on.
i'm supposedly the executor of this aunt's wil but tato has already deemed
that i will not outlive her
such confidence
one of my football loving sisters will probably be selected in my absence
my aunt told me to start a blog
ok maybe I am being too sensitive.
Did she just tell me to start a blog because she doesn't want to read my
or did she tell me to start a blog so that I have greater readership and
she thinks my crap is great?
If the latter, don't you think the directive would have been preceded by
a compliment followed by the suggestion?
If the former, and she is bothered by our monday morning quarterbacking
of her pointless forwards, do you think this will stop the spam?
Nah, no critical self analysis. Doesn't see how it applies to her.
"People of the world unite
Strength in numbers we can get it right
One time
We are a part of the rhythm nation"--janet jackson
2008-12-07 16:34:02 UTC
last year there was some ridiculous scandal because my aunt wanted to have
hot dog casserole for the graduation party of the landlord

she stalked out of their house when they had the party because she was so
offended when they told her that was declasse

first -- i think ma said it was hot dogs and something -- some hideous
type dish, maybe hot dogs and beans like she forced on us when we were kids.

and ok I am getting more and more mystified by this story

it never occurred to me that she was asked to contribute a covered dish

i though the child was having a party on her own terms and the butted in and
to bring hotdogs.

why in frikken hell would they ask her to COOK

are they not sick and tired enough of her food

she would probably just buy a tub of encore lasagne

and moreover.

she'd poison the children (the children, the children) if she were asked to
cook lasagna

can you imagine what an unpalatable mess that would be

i would love to snoop around their house to see where the family has hidden
the other food disasters they couldn't swallow

they;ve got like 2 or 3 dogs,

i figgered they probably hide the stuff til she goes back downstairs and
slip the
crap to the dogs

they COULDN"T have asked her to contribute potluck, and it's not like they
don't have enough cash of their own where they couldn't afford to buy a
lousy forty bux of lasagna

I thought for sure this was her just butting in trying to alter the child's
party plans, not a request for her to make food

i thought for SURE she tried to alter the plans they said no we already
on lasagne so don't worry about it, and she got pissed

not because she wanted to bring something different than they asked

it was my impression she was pissed because she couldn't be the boss and the
social director and was told to sit down and shut up
Post by marika
actually for the record both my sisters get some $ and some stocks
or at least that's what the will says.
but don't count on the distribution, I keep telling them that the health
industry will take it all once she becomes institutionalized
Post by marika
k is a very common abbreviation for thousand (dousan) as in kilo
you will often see it in job and real estate ads
i am tired of it too, but no reason you shouldn't know what's going on.
i'm supposedly the executor of this aunt's wil but tato has already
deemed that i will not outlive her
such confidence
one of my football loving sisters will probably be selected in my absence
my aunt told me to start a blog
ok maybe I am being too sensitive.
Did she just tell me to start a blog because she doesn't want to read my
or did she tell me to start a blog so that I have greater readership and
she thinks my crap is great?
If the latter, don't you think the directive would have been preceded by
a compliment followed by the suggestion?
If the former, and she is bothered by our monday morning quarterbacking
of her pointless forwards, do you think this will stop the spam?
Nah, no critical self analysis. Doesn't see how it applies to her.
"People of the world unite
Strength in numbers we can get it right
One time
We are a part of the rhythm nation"--janet jackson