Dr Andrew Wakefield - In His own words
(too old to reply)
2010-04-03 16:12:37 UTC
thank you for this truth - this GMC affair - effort to discredit doctors -
is to protect the government who gave indeminity to the drug company

NEW - Dr Andrew Wakefield - In His own words Q1 parts 1 to 6 today for WAAD

Please listen to all the video.

listen to all parts but especially the end of Part 5 & all of Part 6
Peter B.
2010-04-03 17:24:22 UTC
Post by john
thank you for this truth - this GMC affair - effort to discredit
doctors - is to protect the government who gave indeminity to the drug
NEW - Dr Andrew Wakefield - In His own words Q1 parts 1 to 6 today for WAAD
Please listen to all the video.
listen to all parts but especially the end of Part 5 & all of Part 6
Why didn't you believe Jeffery Dahmer when he defended his actions?
Happy Oyster
2010-04-03 16:38:03 UTC
Post by john
thank you for this truth - this GMC affair - effort to discredit doctors -
is to protect the government who gave indeminity to the drug company
NEW - Dr Andrew Wakefield - In His own words Q1 parts 1 to 6 today for WAAD
Please listen to all the video.
Read this!:

Vaccination saves lives.


GAVI Alliance to vaccinate an additional 6.6 million children against three
killer diseases

Alliance commits US$ 134 million but warns of funding challenges to introduce
new support against cervical cancer, typhoid, Japanese encephalitis and rubella

Geneva, 26 November 2008 – Responding to increased demand by poor countries to
immunise children under five, the GAVI Alliance has committed to fund an
additional US$ 134 million in new and continued programmes yesterday for
vaccines against rotavirus, pneumococcal disease and Haemophilus influenzae type
b (Hib).

The programmes will support 11 countries and provide vaccines to an estimated
6.6 million children.

All three diseases are major childhood killers. Collectively, they claim the
lives of approximately two million children each year.

The new funds are committed at a time when the Alliance is calling on donors to
expand support for four new vaccines against cervical cancer, typhoid, Japanese
encephalitis and rubella.

“The demand by countries to immunise their children has been phenomenal,” said
GAVI Executive Secretary Julian Lob-Levyt. “We’ve listened to what countries
need and have responded. As they continue to ramp up efforts against childhood
killers, they are now asking for support against diseases like cervical cancer
and Japanese encephalitis. We must not let them down.”

Yesterday’s decision follows an October board meeting at which the Alliance
committed to seek the required US$ 3 billion necessary to continue existing
programmes and expand its portfolio of offerings through 2015.

Dr. Lob-Levyt encouraged donors “not flinch nor be complacent” despite the
current economic challenge. “We must seize this opportunity and remain committed
to immunisation and the impact we can make on the Millennium Development Goals,
not only for child health but for gender and poverty reduction too. Sustainable
health interventions require long-term, reliable funding.”

Armenia, Bhutan, Cambodia, Laos, and Sao Tome will receive support to immunise
approximately 2.9 million children with the life-saving Hib vaccine. It will be
administered through three shots of a pentavalent vaccine that also includes
antigens against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, and hepatitis B.

Nicaragua will receive support to administer rotavirus vaccine to approximately
334,600 children and Cameroon, Congo, and Yemen were approved for funding to
administer pneumococcal vaccine to approximately 2.6 million children beginning
in 2010.

More than 800,000 children in Rwanda and Gambia are also expected to be
vaccinated against pneumococcal disease thanks to an approved donation from
Wyeth of 3.1 million doses of the vaccine Prevenar.

Streptococcus pneumoniae, which causes pneumonia and meningitis, is the number
one vaccine-preventable cause of death in children under five years of age
worldwide. The World Health Organization estimates that up to one million
children under five die each year due to pneumococcal diseases. The vast
majority of deaths occur in developing countries.

"Bringing lifesaving vaccines to children throughout the world is central to
Wyeth's mission," said Jim Connolly, Executive Vice President and General
Manager of Wyeth Vaccines. "As a result of this donation to GAVI, we are helping
protect poor children in Rwanda and Gambia from the potentially devastating

The considerable uptake by recipient countries of vaccines already offered by
GAVI and an overwhelming demand for new ones prompted the expansion of the
vaccine portfolio. Since GAVI was launched in 2000, the number of poor countries
that have accessed the Alliance’s life-saving support has skyrocketed. Requests
from countries for hepatitis B vaccine, for example, have risen from nearly zero
to more than 60 countries in just eight years. A recent survey indicated that 60
countries would also seek support to introduce a vaccine against cervical

The GAVI Alliance (formerly the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation)
is a public-private partnership of major stakeholders in immunisation and health
system support. It includes developing country and donor governments, the World
Health Organization, UNICEF, the World Bank, the vaccine industry in both
industrialised and developing countries, research and technical agencies, civil
society, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and individuals. WHO projections
show that GAVI support has prevented more than 3.4 million future deaths by the
end of 2008.

For more information, please contact:
Jeffrey Rowland
+41 22 909 7165 office
+41 79 240 45 59 mobile

"Esowatch knipst Eso-seiten aus"
2010-04-04 18:29:35 UTC

Part 5: The Whistle-blower
[Transcript] Dr Alistair Torres who was from the Scottish dept of health,
and Dr Torres had been seconded onto the JCVI, effectively from Canada, and
he had been brought in, at least in part, to advise on the introduction of
MMR vaccine. The experience in Canada was that they introduced a vaccine
which contained a mumps component made up of a strain of the vaccine called
Urabe, which was originally generated in Japan and they had run into
problems with this vaccine. It produced meningitis in children (1:43). the
mumps virus was identified in the brain of the children and the vaccine was
pulled in Canada, it was pulled, it was stopped in 1997 (1:53), nonetheless
this was the vaccine that was intended to be introduced into the UK a year
later in 1988.

They changed the name, but the vaccine was identical, so it had gone from
Trivirix to Pluserix in the UK, an identical vaccine that had already been
withdrawn for safety reasons, in Canada.

Now Torres advised the JCVI not to introduce this vaccine because it was not
safe. He was overruled. He said if you are going to introduce it then you
should have active surveillance. That is doctors or people going out and
asking doctors--have you seen and cases of the following in the past month,
not waiting for doctors to spontaneously report. Spontaneous reporting
picks up 1-2% of those adverse reactions.....It is totally inadequate but
they were totally overruled, not active surveillance (3:02). So they were
going to intro a vaccine that has been withdrawn in other countries, known
to be unsafe and they were going to have no active surveillance (3:08) for
possible adverse events in this country. Now this was done, he said, for
competitive pricing reasons. The strain of the vaccine that contained the
dangerous mumps component was approx. 1/4 the price of the American MMRII
made by Merck. There had been no reports of meningitis using the Merck
vaccine which contained a strain of mumps called Jeryl Lynn....So what we
had was a cheaper vaccine that was known to be dangerous (3:47), so when the
vaccines were licensed or the proposal to licence these vaccines, the JCVI
or members of that committee (4:0) went to SmithKline Beecham (SKB) and said
we want your vaccine. SKB said we are not happy about it because this has
already been withdrawn in Canada, it has got this mumps component in it
which is dodgy

They said if we are going to do it then we want an indemnity, we want
indemnity from prosecution for damage to children on the basis (4:27) of the
receipt of the vaccine, and it appears that indemnity was granted, and
Torres told us about this (4:33), and he said at the meeting, the girl there
from SKB said we are immunising the children and the government is
immunising us.

So the vaccine was produced, licensed, given, and cases of meningitis
started to appear. they were recorded and documented in the minutes of the
JCVI which are now available on line and have been obtained by us as part of
our investigation. More and more cases began to be reported, the Scottish
dept' withdrew this vax, certain health areas rejected the Urabe containing
vaccine but still the JCVI continued with it. There was no withdrawal of
this vaccine until finally a study was grudgingly done in Nottingham where
they found a much higher risk of meningitis with this vaccine (5:33) than
had previously been predicted by passive surveillance, and the vaccine was
withdrawn overnight, and it was only withdrawn overnight because it was
leaked to the press.

It appeared in a newspaper and suddenly the vaccine was pulled. So a
dangerous vaccine, a knowingly dangerous vaccine was introduced and
ultimately proven to be dangerous and had to be withdrawn (6:00) in 1992.

Part 6 Government liability
[Transcript] The two of the three vaccine brands that were introduced in
1988 had to be withdrawn for safety reasons and yet Dr Salisbury in his
statement to the GMC sums up by saying this is a vaccine with an exemplary
safety record. Well, if that is his idea of an excellent safety record then
we have a very different perception he and I of vaccine safety. And so we
come full circle now because it turns out the Dean was right. Ari Zuckerman
was right. Based upon the information he got, he says (probably from Dr
Salisbury way back when these parents started coming to us in 1996/7), that
it was the government that was going to be sued.

I thought it was going to be the drug companies, but it wasn't. Why was it
the government? Because the government had given the drug companies an
indemnity against harm and so this is why we are here, this is what this is
all about (1:19), this is what this whole GMC affair and effort to descredit
doctors questioning the safety of the MMR vaccine has come about because of
an indemnity given to the drug companies all those years ago for the
introduction of an unsafe vaccine by perhaps just a few members of the
department of Health or recommended by the Dept of Health to the Government
such that a vaccine (1:53) was introduced and when you ask now, and people
have asked, was there an indemnity? is there an indemnity? the answer is
catagorically, from David Salisbury, time and time again, there was no
indemnity (2:07), no letter of comfort, nothing at all....and yet in the
minutes of the JCVI, as late on in this story as 1997, there is an entry
there that says (it talks about the various brands of vaccine that are
available) SKB continued to sell the Urabe strain without liablity (2:39),
there it is, in black and white in their own document.

I have been every which way around that statement and cannot reconcile it to
anything else other than that there was and remains an indemnity, so I am
afraid (3:00) that this is really the origins of this whole process and the
hope that my colleagues and I be discredited before this information ever
becomes public, and in an effort to protect that original decision, that
original flawed decision and the consequences that have flowed from it, then
we find ourselves in this position, and that is fine but it is not going to
stop the truth coming out, and you would think under those circumstances
having withdrawn this vaccine (3:37) in Australia, Canada and Japan, and the
UK that that would be it, they would get rid of it, because it is not safe,
but no (3:46) they go on making it, and what do they do with it, they ship
it out to the third world, and there was a mass vaccine campaign in Brazil
in the 90's where they gave the great majority of Brazilian children a
revaccination with MMR, during a very short space of time, with the Urabe
containing vaccine, which they knew to be dangerous, which produced an
epidemic of meningitis (4:16), a huge peak in the numbers of cases, and
there was a paper written about it after, and one of the points in the
discussion in the paper was perhaps it was not a good idea, in effect, to do
mass vaccination campaigns because it produced the true incidence of side
effects to a vaccine.

Well, who wrote that, who in God's name wrote that? So this is, if you
like, the morality of the people we are dealing with. Why is that vax even
on the shelf? Why is it being sold at cut rate price to third world
countries? What is the thinking behind this? Because it is certainly not a
moral imperative, it must be a commercial one. So that's why we are here
and that is why we will remain here, and continue to fight this (5:12) kind
of thing, because you can't treat people as expendable. You can't damage
them and put them to one side. Adolph Hitler in Mein Kampf once wrote the
greater truth excludes the lesser truth. In the world or mind of people
like Adolph Hitler and that kind of thinking failed in the 1940s and it is
going to fail now. You cannot treat people in a civilised society as

Yes, there may be an argument for a vaccine programme that protects the
greater good but that does not mean that you can render those who are
damaged, just consign them to the dustcart because they are an
inconvenience, or their (6:08) mere presence undermines public confidence,
better to keep them hidden out the way and there are too many of these
children now, they won't be hidden away, and parents are getting very very
angry, and they have every right to be angry, and the truth is going to come
out, and it is going to be a very very painful truth when it does come out.

The tragedy is, it is going to damage public confidence in vaccine policy
across the board because people are going to say we don't believe you any
more, we don't trust you, you lied to us and when that happens all
vaccination policy is compromised, the whole pillar of public health comes
tumbling down and a lot of trouble is going to ensue as you are going to
deal with a population who are not protected from these infections and we
are going to run into big problems, and that responsibility for that lays at
the door of the public health figures and their commercial partners who have
allowed this to happen.
2010-04-05 13:58:50 UTC

April 05, 2010
On Wednesday April 7th, General Medical Council (GMC) lawyers will demand
that I and likely two other doctors involved in the MMR-autism case should
be erased from the UK’s medical register, removing our license to practice
medicine. Doctors’ regulators have found the three of us - Professor John
Walker-Smith, Professor Simon Murch and me - guilty of undertaking research
on children with autism without approval from an ethics committee.
We can prove, with extensive documentary evidence, that this conclusion is

Let me make it absolutely clear that, at its heart, the GMC hearing has been
about the protection of MMR vaccination policy. The case has been driven by
an agenda to crush dissent that in my opinion serves the government and the
pharmaceutical industry — not the welfare of children. It’s important to
note that there has never been a complaint against any of the doctors by any
parent involved in this case — only universal parental support and

My colleagues, Professors Walker-Smith and Murch, are outstanding
pediatricians and pediatric gastroenterologists. They have led the field of
pediatric gastroenterology for decades, devoting their lives to caring for
sick children. Our only “crime” in this matter has been to listen to the
concerns of parents, act according to the demands of our professional
training, and provide appropriate care to this neglected population of
children. It is unthinkable that at the end of an unimpeachable career,
Professor Walker-Smith would even consider unethical experimentation on
children under his care.

In the course of our work, we discovered and treated a new intestinal
disease syndrome in children with autism, alleviating suffering in affected
children around the world. This should be cause for celebration. Instead, we
have been vilified in the press, and demonized by a wasteful PR campaign by
the Department of Health. The aim of this negative publicity was to
discredit my criticism of vaccine safety research.

Sadly, my colleagues have suffered severe collateral damage in this effort
to prevent valid scientific enquiry. They should be exonerated, and left
alone with their reputations intact, in the certain knowledge that they have
done only what is right.

The loss of my own medical license is, unfortunately, the cost of doing
business. Although I do not take this loss lightly, the suffering - so much
of it unnecessary - that I have seen among those affected by this
devastating disease makes the professional consequences for me a small price
to pay by comparison.

As long as a question mark remains over vaccine safety; as long as a
safety-first vaccine policy is subordinate to profit and self-interest; as
long as the benefits of vaccines are threatened by those who have
compromised public confidence by denial of vaccine damage, and as long as
these children need help; I will continue my work.
2010-04-05 14:28:59 UTC
Post by john
April 05, 2010
<copyrighted material deleted>

The article did not provide evidence that they should be exonerated.
Further, he didn't address why no one else has been able to replicate
his studies or why he used kids he found a party.

IMHO, Wakefield is a self-serving scum bucket. He weak statement only
verified my opinion of him.

Peter Parry
2010-04-05 16:47:04 UTC
Post by john
Doctors’ regulators have found the three of us - Professor John
Walker-Smith, Professor Simon Murch and me - guilty of undertaking research
on children with autism without approval from an ethics committee.
We can prove, with extensive documentary evidence, that this conclusion is
Well they had ample opportunity to prove the conclusion was false and

Also Wakefield is being far too modest,


He wasn't just found to have operated without approval from an ethics
committee but also (amongst more concerning his treatment of the
children) that he :-

Failed to cause the Legal Aid Board to be informed that
investigations represented by the clinicians as being clinically
indicated would be covered by NHS funding,

Caused or permitted the money supplied by the Legal Aid
Board to be used for purposes other than those for which he
said it was needed and for which it had been granted,

That by doing so his conduct was dishonest [and] misleading,

That his involvement in the MMR litigation and receipt of funding for
part of Project 172-96 from the Legal Aid Board; constituted a
disclosable interest which included matters which could legitimately
give rise to a perception of a conflict of interest in relation to his
involvement in Project 172-96 which he did not disclose to the Ethics

That he failed to state in the Lancet paper that the children whose
referral and histories he described were part of a project, the
purpose of which was to investigate a postulated new syndrome
comprising gastrointestinal symptoms and disintegrative
disorder following vaccination. That in doing so his behaviour was
dishonest, irresponsible, and resulted in a misleading description
of the patient population in the Lancet paper. The description of
the referral process in the Lancet paper was irresponsible misleading,
contrary to his duty to ensure that the information in the paper was

In a letter to the Lancet volume 351 dated 2 May 1998, in
response to the suggestion of previous correspondents that there was
biased selection of patients in the Lancet article, he stated that the
children had all been referred through the normal channels (e.g. from
general practitioner, child psychiatrist or community paediatrician)
on the merits of their symptoms. In the circumstances set out
this statement was dishonest, irresponsible and contrary to your duty
to ensure that the information provided by you was accurate.

"The Panel is satisfied that the statement you made would be
considered by ordinary standards of reasonable and honest people to be
dishonest. Additionally, you knew that this statement omitted
necessary and relevant information, such as the active role you played
in the referral process, and the fact that the referral letters in
four cases made no mention of any gastrointestinal symptoms and the
fact that the investigations had been carried out under Project 172-96
for research purposes.

Therefore, the Panel is satisfied that your conduct in this
regard was dishonest and irresponsible. "

"On 23 March 1998 at a scientific meeting at the Medical
Research Council convened to examine the evidence relating to
measles or measles vaccine and chronic intestinal inflammation, you
were asked about the issue of bias in generating the series of cases
including the twelve children in the Lancet paper and you stated that
all patients reviewed so far had come through General Practitioners or
paediatricians by “the standard route”, ...In the circumstances ...
this statement was, dishonest...irresponsible, [and]... contrary to
your duty to ensure that the information provided by you was

" the Panel is satisfied that your conduct in failing to disclose your
involvement in the MMR litigation, your receipt of funding for part
of Project 172-96 from the Legal Aid Board and your involvement
in the Patent, constituted disclosable interests. Your failure to
disclose these to the Editor of The Lancet was contrary to your
duties as a senior author of the Lancet paper. "

"At or around the same time as the events set out ...you were involved
in a proposal to set up a company called Immunospecifics
Biotechnologies Ltd to specialise in the production, formulation and
sale of Transfer Factor, "

The Panel concluded that these findings, which include
those of dishonesty and misleading conduct, would be sufficient to
support a finding of serious professional misconduct.
Post by john
Let me make it absolutely clear that, at its heart, the GMC hearing has been
about the protection of MMR vaccination policy.
Only in his overheated imagination. As has subsequently become clear
he did not detect measles virus in any of these children so his
hypothesis failed.
Post by john
The case has been driven by an agenda to crush dissent
To crush dishonesty and opportunism would be more accurate.
Post by john
My colleagues, Professors Walker-Smith and Murch, are outstanding
pediatricians and pediatric gastroenterologists.
They were. There is also no doubt at all that they are in a different
league to Wakefield.
Post by john
They have led the field of pediatric gastroenterology for decades, devoting their lives to caring for
sick children. Our only “crime”
Now that is rather crude. It wasn't "our crime" but separate crimes
for three different people. Wakefield was found to have been
dishonest irresponsible and misleading.

His two co-accused were found to have been irresponsible and of not
acting in the children's best clinical interests but they were not
found guilty of dishonesty or of being misleading.
Post by john
It is unthinkable that at the end of an unimpeachable career,
Professor Walker-Smith would even consider unethical experimentation on children under his care.
In a sense this is so, there is little doubt that Walker-Smith was
unduly influenced by Wakefield and accepted much of what he said
without checking it.
Post by john
In the course of our work, we discovered and treated a new intestinal
disease syndrome in children with autism,
No new syndrome was discovered as was pointed out by many at the time.
Post by john
The loss of my own medical license is, unfortunately, the cost of doing
At last the truth. It was all about business. Of the three two
largely competent doctors have suffered and the only one to come out
of the affair with vastly increased wealth and a new career is the one
who was dishonest - Wakefield.
2010-04-06 20:42:26 UTC

3 http://goldenhawkprojects.blogspot.com/
2010-04-08 20:55:18 UTC
Question 2: Conflicts of Interest and Dishonesty?
[Transcript] There have been some slightly difficult moments about
differences of opinion, for example with Richard Horton over conflicts of
interests...the Lancet statement on conflict is: 'anything that would
embarrass you if it were later disclosed', and my involvement with the Legal
Aid Board didn't embarrass me at all, and it wasn't relevant, in my opinion,
to disclose it in the Lancet paper because they didn't fund any of the
Lancet paper, they funded a subsequent viralogical study, as was always
intended, but it had been misrepresented in the media that they had funded
the Lancet study, and it wasn't disclosed, and this was the perception
Richard Horton originally had, and when I was aked about this by him way
back in 2004 I said, no, they didn't fund the study at all, they funded a
separate study, and he said 'well in that case it could be perceived as a
potential conflict of interest', and I said where did that come from?
The statement as I read it in the Lancet, the requirement is to 'disclose
things that might embarrass you if they emerge later'. And it was
interesting because within that document, which was self contained, anyone
writing a paper for the Lancet would just need to read that and the actual
statement is the test of conflict of interest in the Lancet is an easy one,
'anything that would embarrass you', and so you don't go beyond that, it is
a self contained document, why would you go any further, but there is a
website flagged up in there where you can go and there is a more broader
description of conflict of interest there which does include potential or
perceived conflicts of interest, which no one ever went to. Why would you
do it? You have got it in front of you. Now there is a very big
difference. Anything that would embarrass you is the active move, OK, it is
what would embarrass me, so I can think what would embarrass me, and I can
make a decision about that.

What others might perceive to be a conflict of interest is myriad, it goes
on forever. You have to put yourself in the third person and think what
might someone else with their various views and biases construe to be a
conflict of interest, and that is massive, where does that end?

So that is a huge conceptual leap in terms as to what you would disclose,
and there was no formal way for doing it at the time. Now you have a
document where you fill in the boxes, saying no shares, no this, no that.
That is very straight foreword, but in those days it wasn't, it was highly
ambiguous, and it was always my intention, and always was disclosed, when
there was a direct funding for a study, a grant giving body, or in this case
the Legal Aid Board, and so in the viral study it was disclosed, 'this study
was supported in part by the Legal Aid Board, and Dr Wakefield is acting as
an expert in the MMR litigation', that is an easy one as it goes, but in the
Lancet study I felt no need to disclose it at all, and neither did any of my
colleagues who knew that I was involved with the Legal aid Board on behalf
of some of these children.

So that was a difficult moment but it was a difference of opinion, he
thought I should have disclosed it. I felt at the time that I didn't, now
in retrospect, having seen this new document about perceived conflict I can
see that it should have been disclosed, but there was no dishonesty, and he
was good enough to say there was no intent to deceive, 'when Dr Wakefield
was asked about it he was entirely open, he said yes there was this grant'.
We got into an argument and debate about what was or wasn't a conflict of
interest, but there was absolutely no intent to deceive and the charge is
dishonesty, so he was extremely helpful in this as much he said, no this was
not dishonest, this was a genuine difference of opinion, and so that then
largely resolved.
2010-04-07 17:28:40 UTC
question 2 and 3

2010-04-08 11:09:21 UTC
Question 3: Dr David Salisbury calls the the GMC !



[Transcript.] Where dies it leave the GMC if you are not guilty? Very good
question on a very broad front. They have some tough decisions to make.
One on the level of the case itself, and have they misinstructed their
experts, are they going to have to retrench in a different set of charges.
They have to take time to structure those charges and get a response from
their experts. Are they going to be allowed to do that, I don't know, but
it must be becoming obvious to them now that much of the original
information they were given, was, had been, misconstrued, and basing their
charges on that information has been in error.

At another level they are under big pressure from the Department of Health,
and David Salisbury in particular has been calling them on a regular basis
urging them to prosecute this case more vigorously against me, be nastier,
be meaner, throw more in, and I know this because we get sent the unused
material, and so I took the opportunity (he didn't know this, I mean you get
all the telephone conversations, all the conversation between people, all
the draft reports which is an interesting advantage to us), so I was able to
write to David Salisbury and was able to say I am now in a position to have
read the unused material from the GMC, and I note your entreaties to
them....He was furious, he contacted the GMC and said: "I didn't know they
were going to get the unused material...you never told me, this is a
disgrace!" And the wonderful thing about that is that we get the
documentation of that telephone conversation as well (laughs).

So, you can see they are under a great deal of political pressure to
prosecute this case and it is interesting in the public domain David
Salisbury has said we don't want this to be seen as a vendetta on behalf of
the Department of Health. So, mixed messages.

PART TWO. The other dilemma they have is who do they represent in the end?
Because the GMC have historically stood for the patient, the patients
rights, the patients protection from, for example, medical malpractice.
Well, who do they stand for now because we stand for the patients.
Everything we have done is in the best interests of the children. What they
are representing and prosecuting is not on behalf of the children no parent
ahs complained agaisnt us, but on behalf of the Department of Health, on
behalf of the new kid on the block, 'the greater good.'

So here we have a body who has traditionally represented the patient, the
victim, if you like, against the medical profession or againts medical
malpractice. Now they are defending the diktat of public health against the
rights of the individual.
So they are in a real quandary, or if they are not they should be, about
quite who they represent, because I know who I represent--the individual
Peter Parry
2010-04-08 12:51:29 UTC
Post by john
[Transcript.] Where dies it leave the GMC if you are not guilty? Very good
question on a very broad front. They have some tough decisions to make.
One on the level of the case itself, and have they misinstructed their
experts, are they going to have to retrench in a different set of charges.
They have to take time to structure those charges and get a response from
their experts. Are they going to be allowed to do that, I don't know, but
it must be becoming obvious to them now that much of the original
information they were given, was, had been, misconstrued, and basing their
charges on that information has been in error.
This would have been quite a good rant had it not been for the trivial
point that the GMC proceeded to find him guilty of dishonesty
irresponsibility and misrepresentation.
Post by john
PART TWO. The other dilemma they have is who do they represent in the end?
Because the GMC have historically stood for the patient, the patients
rights, the patients protection from, for example, medical malpractice.
Well, who do they stand for now because we stand for the patients.
Would that be the parents recruited by the lawyer he was also
providing paid advice for in their endeavour to sue for vaccine damage
or the parent of Child 10 with whom he was trying to set up a company,
Immunospecifics Biotechnologies Ltd, to develop "Transfer Factor" .
Post by john
Everything we have done is in the best interests of the children.
Not what the GMC decided.
Post by john
What they are representing and prosecuting is not on behalf of the children no parent
ahs complained agaisnt us,
Setting aside Wakefields earlier exhortation - that he not merely
welcomed but insisted upon the GMC investigation - if he felt the
parents were so much on his side why didn't he call any as witnesses
on his behalf?

It is all very well saying no parent complained - but also no parent
spoke in his defence at the GMC and he could have called any or all.
2010-04-10 14:19:12 UTC
Part 3 Professor Zuckerman Forgets [Zuckerman]

[Transcript] Interestingly, the Dean of the medical school, Prof Ari
Zuckerman, world renowned virologist, expert in Hepatitis B, worked very
closely with the WHO, was deeply involved with hepatitis B vaccination, a
great advocate of hepatitis B vaccination, different story, but nonetheless,
there he was in the general apparatchik of the vaccine advocates. And he
said to me that he had been contacted by the Department of Health and a
certain members of the Royal College of Child Health who had made him aware
of this funding, and I said yes, this is a grantw e got from them and
perfectly respectable, and we are conducting the science, and he said there
was a conflict of interest, a clear conflict of interest, and I couldn't
understand it, why?

Why was there a conflict of interest? I had no conflict of interest, I was
asked to take this grant to conduct a piece of science and give an answer.
That wasn't a conflict of interest. The funding would be disclosed in the
paper that wrote up the science, the funding came from the Legal Aid Board,
but beyond that where was the conflict? Anyway, I wrote back to him and
said your suggestion that there is a conflict of interest has exercised my
mind greatly over the last several months and I cannot see where it lies,
and i laid out for him the context of my discussions with the lawyers and
the work that was to be done, and he wrote back to me and couldn't precisely
define what the conflict was, but talked about if a legal action was
anticipated, and preliminary discussions had already taken place then there
was a conflict, and it didn't really make a lot of sense to me.

I wrote back to him again and reiterated thatw e ahd been asked to do a
piece of science that wasn't seeking a particular answer. I wouldn't have
got involved in the first place if there was any effort of coercion or
demanding that......we own the data, the lawyers didn't own it. We would do
what we felt was scientifically appropriate, and I had every faith in the
lawyers, they seemed very concerned, genuinely concerned about these
children, they weren't in any way ambulance chasers but nonetheless there
was some clear problem for the Dean in this, and he ultimately refused to
take the money, and I said send it back, we don't want it, if you are not
going to let us do this, we won't do it.

Anyway, one of my colleagues said we will put it into an account at the
hospital, a charitable account...and see if that is OK. So we did, now,
interestingly the Dean has just appeared as a witness on behalf of the
prosecution at the GMC. Professor Ari Zuckerman, now 7 years retired and
clearly deeply frustrated that he should be dragged out of retirement to
have to give his evidence in thsi case, but nonetheless his first foray was
to say, yes, when this money was transferred by the accountant of the Royal
Free Medical School it was too late, I didn't know about it, it had already
happened, I couldn't stop it.

It is interesting that he actually signed the cheque for the transfer.
Surprising that, given the fact that it had already happened by the time he
knew about it, nonetheless an interval of 11 years can cloud ones mind,
memory of things. There we are. But that was the first error he made.

Part 4 Dr Armstrong and the BMA

[Transcript] What he disclosed, interestingly, to me during that period was
that he had written to the ethics committee of the British Medial
Association (BMA), to take their advice, how to deal with this perplexing
issue that was causing him concern about conflicts of interest that has was
really unable to articulate to me. So he wrote to Dr Armstrong at the BMA
ethics committee to ask their opinion, and in it unbeknown to me at the
time, he had said he had been contacted by the Department of Health who said
to him that the government stood to be sued by the parents of children
affected by MMR or apparently affected by MMR vaccine, and that this to him
was a conflict of interest. That government was going to be sued.

Do you understand, I came into this with the lawyers believing the case was
against the vaccine manufacturers, the government didn't even come into it,
but he was clearly under the impression that the government were going to be
sued. He also said that this may be embarrassing for the medical school.
Now, we were never party to the ultimate response of Dr Armstrong of the
BMA. We were never told about it. All we did when he wrote back to me is
to say you will know that I have taken advice on this matter from the BMA
and leave it that, as though the BMA had ruled completely against it.
When in fact we got the documents, as we did do as part of the disclosure
for the GMC, there it was, the letter from Dr Armstrong, not only endorsing
the fact this study could and should be done because it was morally and
ethically proper that it should be done, but that not to do it because it
was embarrassing to an institute or because it meant the government might be
sued was not a sound moral argument. His words.

So in other words the BMA ethics committee said this is fine. It said
actions of this kind or research of this kind is often funded by a group
with a particular interest. Of course they are, the Multiple Sclerosis
Society funds research for MS in the hope that it can make patients better.
So here we have another group of people with a vested interest funding a
piece of research. As long as it is ethical, and as long as it is conducted
in a way that it is published, whether it is positive or negative, then that
is fine.

Nonetheless Prof Zuckerman did not get the answer he wanted. he never
disclosed that to us, he just kept beating us over the head with the certain
knowledge that he had contacted the BMA and they had given him an opinion.