Round them up
(too old to reply)
2006-04-15 20:13:12 UTC
There are12 million illegal aliens in this country according to the
government PEW Hispanic center. It's probably upwards of 20 million,
but who's counting. They also say that 7.2 million illegal aliens are
in the workforce today, or 5% of the workforce in America, which is
also a low-ball figure.
But, for the sake of argument, let's just say that the PEW figures
are somewhat accurate (LOL!)
If we deported all illegal aliens, as we should do, we would take 12
million people out of our country out of a population of 300 million.
And that can't be done overnight. It would take a few years. (And a
lot of buses and balcony sandwiches.)
It can be done because we have done it before and then some.
From 1940 - 1945, we took 16 million healthy Americans out of the
workforce and the population was about 140 million (in 1945.) And
America survived. America came together and got the work done. There
were some foreigners (legal foreigners) that helped out but it was
mostly Americans that did the work needed to keep this country viable.
Americans endured some hardships but still came out smelling like a
That's what Americans are all about. Their ability to adapt to
changes has always been accomplished with flying colors.
The will and determination of true Americans should never be
The federal government announces that all illegals will be immediately
rounded up, so put your affairs in order and leave. Criminals do NOT
get a free pass in this country or it makes a total mockery of our
laws. If illegals don't leave, they will be rounded up by local law
enforcement in cooperation with INS and deported. Where will you put
the hordes during this process? Earlier this year it was announced
that Kellog, Brown and Root, a subsidiary of Halliburton, was awarded
a $385 million dollar contract by the unnecessary and wasteful
Department of Homeland Security to construct detention and processing
facilities in the event of a "national emergency." In the language of
the agreement it would appear these facilities will be used for
temporary holding centers for illegals being rounded up for
deportation. If that is indeed the case, then get them built and begin
the process.
A liberal "think tank" issued a press release stating that it would cost
appx. $275 billion to deport 12 million illegals. This is a very cost
compared to one year in Iraq. The humane removal of illegal aliens would
spur a cycle of prosperity unequaled in our history.

Just Cocky
2006-04-15 20:08:11 UTC
On Sat, 15 Apr 2006 13:13:12 -0700, "arminius" <richard
Post by arminius
The humane removal of illegal aliens would
spur a cycle of prosperity unequaled in our history.
Can't see how. Care to explain?
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are
cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt"
-- Bertrand Russell